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Law Offices of
Ezra N. Goldman, P.C.
Ezra N. Goldman
Feb 17, 20225 min read
Help! I got a DUI (drunk driving) charge!
Should I take the breath test? This is a decision you may be asked to make when you are in the worst position to make it – a little woozy...
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Ezra N. Goldman
Mar 29, 20201 min read
Supreme Court's Covid-19 Order
The Michigan Supreme Court has issued the attached order in response to the corona virus outbreak. It gives some guidance to attorneys,...
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Ezra N. Goldman
Mar 29, 20201 min read
Earlier this month, Governor Whitmer issued this Executive Order, dealing with the new human Corona virus, Covid-19:...
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Ezra N. Goldman
Feb 5, 20182 min read
Where are all the Pro Bono lawyers?
There is some misinformation out there about the availability of free legal services. If there is one goal to this blog, it is to clear...
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Ezra N. Goldman
Dec 23, 20171 min read
An end to "driving while poor" in Michigan?
When you get a traffic ticket, you get a fine and you have to pay it by a certain date. If you don't pay it, they suspend your drivers...
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Ezra N. Goldman
Dec 16, 20172 min read
Can I sue?
Some weeks, I get this question daily. It is a well-meaning question but at the same time, a meaningless one. I am not making the...
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Ezra N. Goldman
Dec 15, 20174 min read
How can something so terrible be so easy? No Fault Divorce in Michigan
Michigan has a requirement that every Judgment of Divorce must accompany a form called "Record of Divorce or Annulment." It is a...
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Ezra N. Goldman
Sep 25, 20163 min read
You've got money! Some ins and outs of Unclaimed Property
The calls can drive you crazy. Â Fast talking salespeople are trying to sell you something but it is not a magazine subscription and they don
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Ezra N. Goldman
Sep 22, 20162 min read
No Fault 101
No fault confounds people and for good reason -- it is complicated! Even some car accident lawyers don't understand it fully. This blog...
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Ezra N. Goldman
Sep 21, 20162 min read
Case Evaluation, Mediation and Arbitration
The courts are very big on Alternative Dispute Resolution, sometimes abbreviated as ADR. The reason for this is simple -- in 2014, there...
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Ezra N. Goldman
Sep 20, 20165 min read
Some thing you should know about Divorce...
Some things you need to know about divorce… 1. Things may not be as bad as you think. As a guy married for 20 years, with one kid...
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Ezra N.Goldman
Sep 19, 20164 min read
So you got a traffic ticket?
From the desk of Ezra Goldman  So you got a traffic ticket? Don't feel bad - it happens to everyone. The thing about traffic tickets is tha
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